"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. In a professional context, these words by author David Swanson apply rather well to the period of taking up a new position. Such a comparison is valid for any profession, but our focus here is (unsurprisingly) on CISOs.

Of course, given the shortage of cyber talent, you might think that it's not so much up to you, the CISO, to make a good impression, but rather to your company. But you also have your part to play in making a success of this pivotal period.

To gain a better understanding of what it's like for CISOs, we interviewed no fewer than 130 of them, in collaboration with CESIN.

And as we weren't going to stop there, Baptiste David invited 3 of them for a round-table discussion.

Julien BUI

Julien BUI,
Cybersecurity Director - Fabriq
CESIN Content Manager

Jimmy Farvault

CISO - Dougs

Ludovic Lecomte

Ludovic LECOMTE,
Head of Security - Santévet Group

1 hour, 4 speakers, 3 themes:

  • the right questions to ask the CISO when recruiting ;
  • the inventory of fixtures that the new recruit must complete on arrival;
  • the CISO's relationship with others, both internally and with the company's partners.
Hosted by :
Untitled design (7)

Baptiste DAVID,
Product Evangelist Tenacy

About us Tenacy

As a SaaS platform dedicated to cybersecurity management, Tenacy provides a global, consolidated view of all your cybersecurity processes and data, enabling you to act quickly and efficiently. All your cybersecurity processes and data are centralized, providing immediate benefits for your governance, risk management and compliance initiatives.