If you work in the financial sector, you know that DORA isn't just a cartoon heroine, but a new regulation set by the European Parliament in 2022.

The aim of this " Digital Operational Resilience Act "? To adapt to the increase in cyber risks and cyber-attacks in the financial sector, in order to optimize the operational resilience of organizations.

If you haven't yet taken a close look at this new text, don't panic (yet): its implementation is scheduled for January 2025.

But there's nothing like preparation well in advance to ensure that you approach your compliance process with peace of mind. That's what Baptiste David and Marc-Antoine Ledieu are here for!

On the agenda for this webinar:

  • What are DORA's compliance requirements?
  • What impact does DORA have on third-party and risk management?
  • How can you manage your governance and DORA compliance with Tenacy ?

Co-hosted by :


Untitled design (19)

Baptiste DAVID,
Product Evangelist, Tenacy

Untitled design (20)

Marc-Antoine LEDIEU,
& CISO, Ledieu Avocats

About us Tenacy

As a SaaS platform dedicated to cybersecurity management, Tenacy provides a global, consolidated view of your cybersecurity processes, enabling you to act quickly and efficiently. All your cybersecurity processes and data are centralized. Get immediate benefits for your Governance, Risk Management and Compliance actions.


DORA: how do you manage your compliance?

july 06th from 11am to 12pm

If you work in the financial sector, you know that DORA isn't just a cartoon heroine, but a new regulation set by the European Parliament in 2022.

The aim of this " Digital Operational Resilience Act "? To adapt to the increase in cyber risks and cyber attacks in the financial sector, in order to optimize the operational resilience of organizations.

If you haven't yet taken a close look at this new text, don't panic (yet): its implementation is scheduled for January 2025.

But there's nothing like preparation well in advance to ensure that you approach your compliance process with peace of mind. That's what Baptiste David and Marc-Antoine Ledieu are here for!

On the agenda for this webinar:

  • What are the DORA compliance requirements?
  • What impact does DORA have on third-party and risk management?
  • How can you manage your governance and DORA compliance with Tenacy ?
Untitled design (4)

Baptiste DAVID,
Product Evangelist, Tenacy

Untitled design (3)

Marc-Antoine LEDIEU,
& CISO, Ledieu Avocats


About us Tenacy

As a SaaS platform dedicated to cybersecurity management, Tenacy provides a global, consolidated view of all your cybersecurity processes and data, enabling you to act quickly and efficiently. All your cybersecurity processes and data are centralized, providing immediate benefits for your governance, risk management and compliance initiatives.