Starting a cyber certification process also means starting a cycle that involves your entire organization.

And while preparing for and obtaining certification like ISO 27001 is a first victory, maintaining it then becomes a priority.

The bad news is that this maintenance can become just as complex as the initial one:

  • it requires frequent evaluations and audits;
  • it must take into account changes in the organization;
  • It consumes time for cyber teams.

Managing your certification – and doing it well – is therefore a major challenge.

This webinar has been designed to help you do just that!

On the program:

  • What exactly does it mean to "manage your cyber certification"?
  • A few tips to simplify the process
  • What Tenacy can be used by CISOs/RSMSIs

Hosted by :
Baptiste DAVID,
Product Evangelist Tenacy

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An actionable knowledge base 

Tenacy includes a complete catalogue of risks , each with suggestions forschemes, indicators and associated recurring tasks.

The catalog Tenacy Also offers more than 30 policies (PCI-DSS, NIST, HDS...).

Connectors Tenacy

Go even further in the automation of your cyber processes thanks to connectors and our API, which can be activated in a few clicks from the platform Tenacy.

This gives you the opportunity to power Tenacy data from third-party applications to complement your dashboards. Your reporting will be automated.